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Risk Control Services for Trucking

Agents, do your trucking customers need reliable coverage? Find a general agent today.

Male truck driver holding a clipboard stooping down for a safety check on truck tires.

What are Northland’s risk control services?

With Northland, you have access to industry-leading  tools and resources, and dedicated trucking risk management specialists who can provide you with:

Our specialists help customers identify gaps in their fleet risk management program and make meaningful improvements to reduce crashes.

We offer safety training materials in multiple formats on our customer portal. These are designed to meet the diverse safety training needs of our customers.

Our library includes policies and procedures, posters, safety quizzes, and technical bulletins created to help reduce risk and ensure driver safety.

We provide recommendations tailored to your specific business needs.

We invest in these resources and services to better serve you and your business needs.

Good risk control is good business.

Male insurance agent wearing a headset, in a meeting, sitting in front of a computer screen.

Agents, do your trucking customers need reliable coverage?

Find a Northland general agent who can help.